Web Design Packages: Custom Websites at Affordable Prices

If you're looking for web design packages that offer custom websites at affordable prices, you're in the right place. Our team is dedicated to providing tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

website design features

Pocket-Friendly Website Design Packages

Affordable and Tailored to Your Business

Our Affordable Website Development Plans are meticulously designed with your business success in mind. We understand the importance of establishing a strong online presence without straining your budget, and our plans are crafted to deliver exceptional value at an affordable cost.


(For mall businesses)

$ 299 /Website
  • Customized WordPress theme
  • Responsive design
  • Up to 5 pages of content
  • Contact form integration
  • Basic SEO optimization
  • Social media integration


(For SMEs)

$ 499 /Wesbite
  • All Basic package features
  • Up to 10 pages of content
  • Advanced SEO optimization
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Blog setup and integration
  • 2 rounds of revisions


(For large businesses)

$ 799 /Website
  • All Standard package features
  • Up to 20 pages of content
  • E-commerce functionality
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Advanced customization options
  • 3 rounds of revisions
  • Priority support

Website Design Technologies, CMS, Tools, and Platforms

Web Design Package Features

Customized Solutions

Our development plans are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of your business. Whether you're a startup, small business, or established enterprise, we have the flexibility to create a website that reflects your brand identity.

Responsive Design

In today's digital landscape, a mobile-friendly website is crucial. Our plans include responsive design, ensuring that your site looks and functions seamlessly across various devices, enhancing user experience and engagement.

SEO Optimization

We integrate search engine optimization (SEO) strategies into the development process to enhance your website's visibility. This helps potential customers find your business more easily in online searches.

Manage and update your website effortlessly with our user-friendly content management system (CMS). No technical expertise is required, empowering you to keep your site current with ease.

Timely Delivery

We understand the importance of time in the digital realm. Our development team is committed to delivering your website within the agreed-upon timeframe, ensuring a quick and efficient launch.

Dedicated Support

Our commitment to your success doesn't end with the website launch. Benefit from ongoing support and assistance, ensuring that your website continues to operate smoothly and effectively.

No hidden costs or surprises. Our affordable website development plans come with transparent pricing, allowing you to budget confidently without sacrificing quality.

E-commerce Integration (if applicable)

If your business involves online transactions, our plans can incorporate secure and efficient e-commerce solutions, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Dedicated Web Designer

Your project deserves individual attention. With a dedicated web designer assigned to your project, you'll have a direct point of contact, ensuring that your vision is understood and implemented with precision. This personalized approach allows for seamless communication, quick decision-making, and a website that truly aligns with your business goals.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Your Website Design and Development

At LeaGron, we know what goes into determining the cost of designing a website. We aim to offer budget-friendly website design packages that cater to your specific needs. Our team of experts ensures you get top-notch solutions, taking these factors into consideration to give you the most accurate pricing for your project.

We look at how complex your website needs to be when figuring out the cost of development. If you're after a straightforward website with simple designs and basic functions, we provide cost-effective solutions. On the flip side, if your website needs special features, e-commerce capabilities, or connections with other systems, we offer tailored solutions to handle these complexities.

Our team of skilled designers and developers understands how important design is for a website. If you have specific design preferences, like a unique custom design, responsiveness for different devices, or branding considerations, we factor these in when pricing your project. We make sure the design mirrors your brand identity and offers an engaging user experience (UX).

The features you want for your website influence the cost. We have affordable packages for websites with standard features like 5 to 10 pages, contact forms, and image galleries. If you need advanced features such as e-commerce, user registration, content management systems, or third-party integrations, we provide comprehensive solutions that align with your needs, but this may increase the website development cost.

The choice of development platform and technology can affect your website's cost. At LeaGron, we consider the most suitable platform based on your needs. We are skilled in custom-built websites and advanced technologies. Alternatively, we can use cost-effective content management systems (CMS) like WordPress or Drupal, or Webflow, depending on your website's nature.

If you need a lot of customization or integrations with third-party services or APIs, we factor this in when pricing your project. Our team has the skills and experience to handle complex customizations and integrations, ensuring seamless functionality and integration with external systems.

We know how crucial long-term website maintenance and support are. Depending on your needs, we offer website maintenance packages with regular updates, security patches, backups, and technical support. These ongoing website management services are vital for the smooth operation and security of your website. We include these services to provide you with a comprehensive pricing structure.

Our clients simply love our work

Chetan Maharshi Founder & CEO of HivePayroll

I have been working with Leagron for over 2 years now and I can say without a doubt that they are the best SEO and social media management company I have ever hired. They have helped me grow my online presence, increase my website traffic, and generate more leads.

Imraan Khan
Imraan Khan Senior Immigration Consultant at XONIER Visas

They have helped me take my immigration firm, Xonier Visas, to the next level of online success. They have designed and implemented a customized SEO and social media strategy that suits my niche and goals.

Saurabh Sharma Founder & CEO of KannsSky Enterprises

Leagron is the best technical SEO optimization company I have ever hired. They have helped me improve various technical SEO best practices such as site structure, URL optimization, canonicalization, schema markup, robots.txt, sitemap, and more.

    Things to Think About When Choosing LeaGron's Web Design Packages

    Consider LeaGron’s Web Design Packages, tailored to cater to your unique needs. From budget-friendly options to customizable designs reflecting your brand identity, LeaGron ensures a seamless experience. Our team of experienced designers crafts visually appealing, user-friendly websites, while ongoing support guarantees the sustained success of your online venture. Explore the possibilities with LeaGron and bring your digital vision to life.


    It's important to pick a package that fits your budget. We have various packages to suit different budgets, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

    Project Details

    Clearly outline what you need for your website. Think about the number of pages, features you want, and any specific design needs. Our packages are made to handle various project sizes, whether it's a small business site or a complex e-commerce platform.

    Design Experience

    Check the design skills of the web design company. Look at their past work, what clients say, and reviews to make sure they can deliver top-notch designs. At LeaGron, our team of skilled designers can create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

    Personalization Choices

    Think about how much you can customize the design packages. Your website should represent your brand and unique needs. Our packages allow for customization, making sure the design matches your brand style and specific preferences.

    Mobile-Friendly Design

    Make sure the design packages include mobile responsiveness. With more people using mobile devices, it's crucial that your website looks good and works well on different screen sizes. Our packages include responsive design, making sure your website is great across all devices.

    Ongoing Help

    Consider the support and maintenance offered after the design. Websites need regular updates, security fixes, and technical help. At LeaGron, we provide ongoing website maintenance packages to support our clients with continued help and upkeep for the long-term success of your website.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Web design is crucial as it shapes the first impression of your business online. It influences user experience, navigation, and overall aesthetics, impacting how visitors perceive and interact with your brand.

    Web design services encompass the creation and arrangement of elements on a website, focusing on aesthetics, functionality, and user experience. Services may include layout design, graphic design, and the integration of interactive features.

    The cost of web design reflects the expertise and time required to create a visually appealing and functional website. Factors such as customization, complexity, and the inclusion of advanced features contribute to the overall expense.

    Yes, web design is worth the investment as it directly influences how users perceive your brand. A well-designed website enhances credibility, user engagement, and can lead to increased conversions and business growth.

    The taxability of web design services varies based on local tax regulations. In some regions, web design services may be subject to sales tax, while others may consider them exempt. It’s advisable to consult local tax authorities for accurate information.

    Web design packages are pre-structured service offerings that include a set of design features, development services, and sometimes ongoing support. These packages cater to different business needs and budgets.

    Web design packages can vary in scope and features. Common types include basic packages for simple websites, e-commerce packages with online store functionality, and custom packages tailored to unique business requirements.

    The charges for web designers depend on factors such as complexity, customization, and additional features. Costs can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, with custom designs generally being more expensive.

    Web design professionals often use a range of software tools. Common ones include Adobe Creative Cloud (Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator), Sketch, Figma, and other specialized tools for coding and development.

    Average packages for web designers in the USA vary based on experience, location, and the scope of the project. Junior designers may charge less, while seasoned professionals or agencies may command higher fees.

    The average package for web designers in India is influenced by factors such as experience, skill level, and project complexity. Generally, web designers in India may offer services at a more cost-effective rate compared to some other regions.

    The time frame varies based on the package details, usually depending on the number of pages.

    Upon ordering a Website Design package from LeaGron, a consultant will connect with you to discuss your business, design preferences, and gather necessary content.

    Our creative team initiates with a non-functional homepage mockup, tailored to your business requirements. Feedback is sought and adjustments made before moving forward.

    In the event of dissatisfaction with the homepage mockup, our team collaborates with you to understand concerns, offering a redo or targeted improvements.

    Some plans include complimentary hosting for a year. Alternatively, you can opt for external hosting or request a separate quote if not included.

    We craft the website with search engine-friendly elements, optimizing it with appropriate keywords and standards for enhanced search engine visibility.

    • Responsive to all devices
    • Optimal performance and speed
    • Reliability
    • Valid markup and clean code

    Receive the site URL to monitor your website’s progress at your convenience.

    Select Website Design Packages based on your desired layout and graphics for a tailored approach.

    Costs in India vary based on the complexity, ranging from relatively inexpensive for a straightforward dynamic website to higher costs for e-commerce or intricate sites.

    Certainly! If your website’s performance is affected or offers a subpar user experience, we’re here to help with a redesign.

    Absolutely! We design responsive websites that seamlessly adapt to various screen sizes.

    Clients wanting to view their websites in the development phase are encouraged. A demo link is shared during this period.

    Upon confirming the general layout, up to 2 revisions are free during development. Additional revisions are chargeable, while small adjustments remain free.

    Indeed, a well-designed website is potent in engaging the audience, driving traffic, and boosting conversions.

    • Years of experience
    • Skilled designers
    • Portfolio showcasing live websites
    • Demonstrated expertise

    When contracting with us, provide essential details for your website design needs.

    For businesses, creating a website early is crucial for reaching new customers and establishing a brand presence. Individuals can showcase interests or talents and connect with others online.

    Choose a website type based on your goals:

    • Blog for sharing thoughts
    • Portfolio for showcasing creative work
    • Store for selling products or services

    Ask questions to shape your website concept, identify the target audience, determine the domain name and design, and outline content.

    Yes, website maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance, appearance, and customer perception.

    Hosting costs vary based on the site’s size and complexity. Basic hosting typically ranges from $5 to $10 per month, while more specialized hosting can cost more.

    The timeframe varies, but on average, it takes 2-6 months to build a website from scratch, encompassing design, coding, and testing.

    Charges depend on design, functionality, content, and hosting. Quality web design, functionality, and reliable hosting are critical considerations.

    When hiring for website development, seek experienced professionals with a portfolio demonstrating expertise and positive client references.

    Choose a CMS based on content control needs, customization requirements, and support. Options include WordPress, Joomla, and Magento.

    The cost of a one-page website depends on design complexity and included features, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

    The time to build a website varies but generally falls within 20-40 hours, depending on complexity. Professional developers can expedite the process.

    Creating a website is worthwhile for establishing an online presence, whether for personal expression or business. It requires careful planning and execution.

    A website grants an online presence, making it easier for potential customers to find information about your business and contact you, fostering growth.

    Website builders have limitations in design, functionality, and SEO-friendliness. They may not integrate well with other tools and platforms.

    Costs for app or website development vary based on complexity. Generally, websites are less expensive, while apps require custom coding and platform considerations.

    Affordable ways to start a website include using website builders, purchasing a domain and hosting, or utilizing free services with ad-supported options.

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